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Cloud Guides & Tutorials
Configure Failover for Haproxy on Akamai
Learn how to set up HAProxy load balancing with IP sharing, FRRouting, and BGP failover in this step-by-step guide.
High-Performance KV Store for Fintech with Akamai
This guide outlines a distributed key-value storage architecture with NATS and JetStream that supports user registration for a global fintech service.
Improving Page Performance with Early Hints and HarperDB
This guide outlines how to use HTTP 103 Early Hints for preloading images, CSS, and JavaScript on eCommerce websites with EdgeWorkers and HarperDB.
Reference Architecture
Autoscaling on Linode using Prometheus
Guidance on IaaS primitives, open source software, and architecture design to implement a highly available and production ready Cloud-based document management …
Cloud-based Document Management
Guidance on IaaS primitives, open source software, and architecture design to implement a highly available and production ready Cloud-based document management …
Horizontal Scaling with Observability and Monitoring
Horizontally scale infrastructure to meet demands of a growing application through HAProxy, and monitor with Prometheus and Grafana.
Marketplace Apps
Deploy a Galera Cluster through the Linode Marketplace
This guide shows how to deploy a MySQL/MariaDB Galera Cluster through the Linode Marketplace.
Deploy a LAMP Stack through the Linode Marketplace
This guide shows you how to use the Linode Marketplace One-Click Application to deploy a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on a Linode running Linux.
Deploy a LEMP Stack through the Linode Marketplace
This guide shows you how to use the Linode Marketplace to deploy a LEMP (Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PHP) server stack on a Linode Compute Instance.