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The Linode Command Line Interface (CLI) is a command line utility that gives you complete control over the Linode account. For interacting with Object Storage, there are two separate commands within the Linode CLI.

  • linode object-storage [command]: This resource provides access to managing Object Storage on a Linode account.
  • linode obj [command]: With the Object Storage plugin, you can also create and remove buckets, upload objects, and more.

This guide details how to use the obj plugin. For linode object-storage usage, see Linode CLI Commands for Object Storage .

Install and Configure the CLI

Follow the instructions within the Install and Configure the Linode CLI guide to get started using the CLI. Be sure to also install the boto3 library, as that enables you to use the Object Storage CLI plugin and perform operations on buckets and objects.

Basic Commands

To get a list of all available buckets, use the ls command:

linode-cli obj ls

To get a list of all objects in a bucket, use the ls command with the label of a bucket:

linode-cli obj ls my-example-bucket

For a complete list of commands available with the Object Storage plugin, use the --help flag:

linode-cli obj --help

Create a Bucket with the CLI

To create a bucket with the Linode CLI, use the mb command. See the Bucket Name section for rules on naming the bucket.

linode-cli obj mb my-example-bucket

To delete a bucket, use the rb command:

linode-cli obj rb my-example-bucket

Currently, the Linode CLI defaults to creating buckets in the Newark data center. To change the cluster a bucket is created in, use the --cluster option, followed by the cluster name below:

  • us-east-1 for the Newark data center. This is the current default.
  • eu-central-1 for the Frankfurt data center.
  • ap-south-1 for the Singapore data center.
You need to use the --cluster option for every interaction with your bucket if it is not in us-east-1.

If the bucket has objects in it, you can not delete it from the Linode CLI immediately. Instead, remove the objects first, then delete the bucket. The s3cmd tool has commands for deleting all objects from a bucket, and it can also force-delete a bucket with objects in it.

Upload, Download, and Delete an Object with the CLI

  1. As an example object, create a text file and fill it with some example text.

    echo 'Hello World!' > example.txt
  2. To upload an object to a bucket using the Linode CLI, use the put command. Provide the object name as the first parameter and the bucket label as the second:

    linode-cli obj put --acl-public example.txt my-example-bucket
    • If the bucket is in the Newark data center, the file is accessible at the URL
    • If the bucket is in the Frankfurt data center, the file is accessible at the URL
    • If the bucket is in the Singapore data center, the file is accessible at the URL

    The --acl-public flag is used to make the object publicly accessible, meaning that you can access the object from its URL. By default, all objects are set to private. To make a public file private, or a private file public, use the setacl command and supply the corresponding flag.

    For example, if you want to make a public file private, you would append the --acl-private flag:

    linode-cli obj setacl --acl-private my-example-bucket example.txt
  3. To download an object, use the get command. Provide the label of the bucket as the first parameter and the name of the file as the second:

    linode-cli obj get my-example-bucket example.txt
  4. To delete an object, use the rm or del command. Provide the label of the bucket as the first parameter and the name of the object as the second:

    linode-cli obj rm my-example-bucket example.txt

Create a Signed URL with the CLI

Creating a signed URL lets you create a link to objects with limited permissions and a time limit to access them. To create a signed URL on a preexisting object with the CLI, use the following syntax:

linode-cli obj signurl my-example-bucket example.txt +300

The output of the command is a URL that can be used for a set period of time to access the object, even if the ACL is set to private. In this case, +300 represents the amount of time in seconds that the link remains active, or five minutes total. After this time has passed, the link expires and can no longer be used.

Create a Static Site with the CLI

To create a static website from a bucket:

  1. Use the ws-create command, including the --ws-index and --ws-error flags:

    linode-cli obj ws-create my-example-bucket --ws-index=index.html --ws-error=404.html

    The --ws-index and --ws-error flags specify which objects the bucket should use to serve the static site’s index page and error page, respectively.

  2. You need to separately upload the index.html and 404.html files (or however you have named the index and error pages) to the bucket:

    echo 'Index page' > index.html
    echo 'Error page' > 404.html
    linode-cli obj put index.html 404.html my-example-bucket
  3. Set the --aclpublic flag on both the index.html and 404.html files:

    linode-cli obj setacl --acl-public my-example-bucket index.html
    linode-cli obj setacl --acl-public my-example-bucket 404.html
  4. The static site is accessed from a different URL than the generic URL for the Object Storage bucket. Static sites are available at the website-us-east-1 subdomain for the Newark data center, the website-eu-central-1 subdomain for the Frankfurt data center, or the website-ap-south-1 subdomain for the Singapore data center. Using my-example-bucket as an example, navigate to either:

    • or
    • or

For more information on hosting static websites from Linode Object Storage, see Host a Static Site on Linode’s Object Storage guide.

Creating a New Access Key

If for whatever reason the access key you’ve set up when initially Configuring the CLI has been revoked or deleted, you may see the following error message:

Error: InvalidAccessKeyId

You can create and configure a new Access Key at any time by running the following command:

linode-cli obj regenerate-keys

After running the command the access is restored, and you can see the new key listed at any time using the following command:

linode-cli object-storage keys-list
Any new object storage keys issued through the CLI is prefixed with linode-cli as the label.

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